Why seek the help of a behaviourist?

Behaviour problems can take many form and arise for a variety of reasons, making it difficult to know where to begin. Clinical Animal Behaviourists work with animals that are demonstrating all types of undesirable, inappropriate, problematic or dangerous behaviour on veterinary referral.

If you have concerns about your dog’s behaviour, contact me to arrange a FREE no obligation chat, and find out what help is available to you.

Sharon Hunt BSc 1st class

Animal Management (Pet behaviour & welfare)

What is a behavioural problem?


We all love our dogs, but living in human society means they need to adapt their behaviour to fit into our world. For most this is an easy process, but for some who experience negative emotions along the way, elements of everyday life can be a big challenge and that’s when unwanted behaviours can develop.



Common examples of behavioural problems that owners experience include separation anxiety, excessive barking inside & outside of the home, reactivity towards other dogs or people and resource guarding. 



Understanding what causes a dog to behave in this way is the first step in bringing about change, and that’s where Clinical Animal Behaviourists can help. By working closely together, you’ll find out why they’re behaving in this way, allowing you to share in the development of a workable treatment plan which guides your dog into choosing more acceptable behaviours. 



If this sounds good, click the link below to book a FREE no obligation chat and find out what help is available to you.